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New Product!

We've added something a little different to the shop but works so well with our ethos, supporting local but also one of our customers.

We are now selling, local author, Danielle Lauren's, novels: Spiritchild and Earthchild.

Dani is a Stamford based author where she lives with her husband and two young boys. She is an avid fantasy reader (forever recommending Manacled for any Harry Potter retelling fans) and a phenomenal writer whilst also being one of Stamford's biggest supporters for all of our small independent businesses that makes our town so unique.

With that being said, Dani is a fantasy writer with Spiritchild being her debut novel followed by her second book, Earthchild, and we can now confidently say that her third is in progress and on its way.

Spiritchild is a "Lord of the Rings retelling with spirit magic against a broken God".

But there is a darkness bleeding through the veil, tearing spiritlife out by the roots, leaving a lifeless void in its wake. The seasons have stopped turning, life withers where it should flourish, and vicious raiders prowl the lands.

And in the heart of the darkness, a mad, broken god crouches, playing puppet master with the human race.

Fae is a gifted healer, and the only human in the elven tree-city of Arolynos. Brought to Arolynos as a young orphan, she remembers nothing of her life beforehand, but she has felt the eyes of the spirits her whole life. Never before have they deigned to speak to her.

Until the day the trees scream.

The spirits are dying, and the world is dying with them.

Gifted with a seed of power by the spirits themselves, Fae is the only one who can save them.

She alone must venture into the darkness. To defeat a broken god.

Before the natural order collapses completely.

" A beautifully imagined debut fantasy novel inspired by the likes of Lord of the Rings and Magician.

A young woman’s yearning to become something more is brought to alarming fruition when she is pitted against the source of a malignant blight affecting the natural order of her world.

“A vividly written fantasy that touches on philosophy and environmentalism.” — Kirkus Reviews

Beyond the veil, the spirit realm connects all living things together. The ocean to the sky. The rain to the ground. The air, and the trees. "

Earthchild is the second book to Spiritchild, however Dani wrote Spiritchild with the intention of it being a stand alone, therefore it can be read by itself if desired. Book 3 is something different entirely, we are told.

We are currently reading Spiritchild itself and promise you that from the prologue you won't be able to put this book down.

These beautiful hardback books are available in store and online, signed and not or if you'd like a personalised message let us know and we can get that sorted for you!

Why are we stocking Dani's books and why should you read them?

Firstly, Dani is a lovely human being and talented author who should be supported and her work adored by many. Dani is a self published author and we know how difficult it can be in the creative industry to get yourself out there and known. For publishers and agents to take you on it is all about your reach and how well they think your work will sell and we want to help Dani get there. Hopefully having these in store (they are also available from the library, Walkers and Waterstones) we will be reaching a new crowd who might not of heard of Dani's work but also, the more we can get out there the closer Dani can get to doing a paperback run and being noticed by all these popular publishers. Additionally, purchasing these books from us you will not only be supporting Dani but also us (which we are extremely grateful for everyone's support to the shop and to everyone who has bought a book so far) so not only support a local author but also a local independent business and keep us on your high-street! Well, just a little past the high-street..!

Both of these novels are highly anticipated reads and by other readers have been rated nothing less than 4 or 5 stars. Check out some reviews on Goodreads.

If you like reading fantasy or need a gift for a bookworm, these are your perfect options!

Every wednesday Dani holds a creative writing group in Stamford. Follow her on instagram @dani_is_writing and contact her for more details!

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